Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's January 1st 2011, 23 days after my Transaxillary First Rib Resection and Pectoralis Minor Release. Things are great! I feel really like a new person, and I am excited about my continued recovery.

I want to get into the history of my condition and all the treatments I've had and all the doctors I've seen, but for this first post I want explain the purpose of this blog.

As I was considering sugery last year, I searched the internet for personal stories about TAFRR and PMR. It was difficult, and most stories were discouraging and talked about all the complications and continued problems peolple had. But, my doctors were telling a different story, so I agonized over the decision: live with it; or have surgery: my last two options I was told.

Well, I was tired of living with it, so I opted for surgery. I am living proof that it works. Everyone is different, and I had two of the most skilled doctors in this field, but I want to give my account of a successful treatment. I want to answer some of the little questions I could not find answers for: how big is the incision; is there brusing and swelling; will I be able to wash my own hair; will I notice that I'm missing a rib? Things they don't explain on medical websites.


  1. So glad you were able to get the surgery.
    I've just been sitting and crying half the day.
    My daughter has TOS and already had a rib resection (in PA), and pain and movement are no better.
    I talked to Dr. Sanders, and he is reviewing her case. Still waiting on operative notes. He wants her to come and and do surgery on both sides, but neither the doctors or the hospital accept my daughter's insurance. I come so close to finding an answer for her, and now the door is closing. She's only 20, and has given up so much already. Not permitted to drive, given up playing instruments (which has been her life), and can barely hold a pen for more than a minute or so. Such a struggle for her.
    I'm so glad that you got the answers that you needed and are improving!
    Betty C.

  2. Hello- I am going in for this surgery feb 7th a week away. I am terrified. What should I expect? I am getting my first rib removed by the best doctor for TOS at Mass General hospital in boston ma. I am so terrified about waking up and in pain...the first night, the first week? please help...

  3. How are you doing now in 2017?
